

Kinesiology is the truth of our body. Our body is a very intelligent and evolved system that holds within an immense field of information; it represents our unconscious world, where deep memories and Belief Systems are held.

Kinesiology in general is widely used in the complementary health field for a wide range of purposes. It can identify imbalances in the body’s structural, chemical, emotional or other energetic systems, it can be used to identify the body’s priority in what needs to be worked on, so to identify healing needs; it also aids in evaluating energy changes brought about by therapeutic procedures. This saves lots of time and effort to both practitioner and client. Kinesiology works in respect of the client, it is a very elegant and intelligent methodology as the body “Knows” what is really going on within it. Kinesiology is based on the concept that we can access the unconscious mind through testing the variations in strength of the muscles, which are in a delta (characteristic of deep unconscious) state. What is paramount about this is that by muscle-testing we engage directly with our deeper self, bypassing our rational mind, which is unaware of most of the stuff going on and, actually, it often misleads us not to go in our dark places.

A photo of me muscle-testing a person. I mainly use the Anterior Deltoid muscle, as it is easy to test and the person does not get tired. I apply a pressure of about 2kg towards the hand of the person, who will in turn apply the opposite pressure. I can sense the variations in the strength of the muscle according to what information we are uncovering from the body.

META-Kinetics, is all this and much more, as it stems from the union of kinesiology, META-Medicine and Cyberkinetics. Cyberkinetics was developed by Alan Sales, who was dealing with Cybernetics, the study of systems and processes, explaining how living systems constantly adapt to their environment through continual monitoring and feedback loops. He applied Cybernetics to the known kinesiology creating Cyberkinetics, which we could call a “cybernetic-thinking Kinesiology”. One of the main differences between common kinesiology and Cyberkinetics is that with this new system we can evaluate the whole spectrum of intensities of any issue, identifying how much stress that specific issues holds for the person. This is very different from common kinesiology, which works in a binary – yes or no – way, missing out loads of information). This mode of testing allows us to select what needs to be worked on, and via a continuous refinement of our what we are asking the body, and according to its responses, we can get more and more precise information and really pin point the core of the issue. So Cyberkinetics is a much more refined tool to test, identify and gather information. It opens up exciting doors into the field of mind-body medicine. With this tool we now have a way of calibrating the information clients present, removing much of the ambiguity of conversational analysis and finding what is really meaningful to the person.

One more step led to merging Cyberkinetics with the knowledge of META-Medicine and its principles. META-Kinetics was born. We use META-Kinetics to find the programs that lead to dis-ease processes and we can uncover the Belief System underlying all that. This tool allows us to work on the energetic system of the body, checking out the unbalances of the Chakras and Energy Meridians. While doing this, we identify the emotions and limiting beliefs that are causing those unbalances. We can also perform a complete “scan” of the body, identifying all the organ-brain areas that are getting triggered and thus are contributing to a dis-eased state.

A photo of me muscle-testing a person. I mainly use the Anterior Deltoid muscle, as it is easy to test and the person does not get tired. I apply a pressure of about 2kg towards the hand of the person, who will in turn apply the opposite pressure. I can sense the variations in the strength of the muscle according to what information we are uncovering from the body.

META-Kinetics is thus a precious investigation tool as it allows us to gather thorough information; in addition to this, it also discharges the stress related to the issued dealt with leading to an energetic balance and state of well-being. This is very important for the client, as alongside the awareness he/she received during the elicitation of the information, there is an energetic correction at the end of the META-Kinetics session which will bring the whole system in a de-stressed condition.

I find META-Kinetics a fundamental tool in my work. It helps to identify what needs to be dealt with, is an amazing way of gathering information and mapping it all out. I find extremely respectful of the person in the sense that it is working WITH the body, following and sensing deeply what it needs and identifying the best way to work with it. In this, there is a complete trust in the body and in the Matrix that connects us and that holds information that would not be accessible to our rational conscious minds. META-Kinetics opens a window in our inner world, connecting us to our inner Universe, which is all one with the outer Universe.