META-Medicine is an approach that considers the Human Being as a Unity of Body-Mind-Spirit, living and interacting in its environment with all the situations and life experiences it encounters. META-Medicine could be defined as a “new” science, but actually what it does it very simply explains WHY our body has that specific symptom at that specific time in that specific location. Here is an example, which I like to report as it is a true story and in a way is what set of the beginning of META-Medicine. Dr. Hamer, a medical doctor, at a certain point of his life experienced a very traumatic event that caught him completely unexpectedly, was dramatic and where he felt totally helpless. His 17 year old son, was shot under undefined circumstances and, after long agony, died in his father’s arms in hospital. After few months, Dr. Hamer discovered he had developed testicular cancer. Something shifted in his mind: he understood that there was a connection to his traumatic life experience (loss of his son) and what was happening to his body (cancer in organs that are involved in reproduction). He felt that his medical condition was not a mistake of his body, but a BIO-LOGICAL reaction to what he lived and experienced a short time before that. What was again interesting was that his wife developed breast cancer. Can you think WHY this organ was involved, what is the main function of the breast? … Nurturing and protecting one’s own child. With this experience Dr. Hamer begun his research with cancer patients and after collecting data from thousands of cases he developed the bases of German New Medicine, creating the 5 Biological Laws. He found that for the same type of organ involved, all patients experienced a conflict with the same emotional theme, and had alteration in precise location n the brain visible via CT scans. This knowledge sets the bases of META-Medicine, which has massively evolved gaining deep understanding on how complex systems of beliefs, behavioural patterns and programs are subconsciously running in our system creating dis-eases. In addition, META-Medicine gives us the tools to resolve our conflicts from within ourselves, to find real Soul-utions (solution of the Soul). This means find the answers within us, in order to achieve a deep understanding of ourselves, change our inner limitations and mental schemes, allowing us to get rid of what is keeping us blocked in an un-healthy state, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, social or all of them together.
There is no separation between body, mind and spirit within the environment. The process and development of a dis-ease is synchronous at all levels (organ, mind, emotion, energy). Because all levels respond at the same moment, we can work with the issue with all of these levels, gathering more precise information. As we are the Union of our thoughts, emotions and body embedded in our environment, healing takes place on all of these levels bringing us to a consistent state of well-being.
META-Medicine is based on 10 principles.
- Meaningful process: Symptoms as bio-logical meaningful reactions
Nature does not make errors or mistakes. Our organism is a highly intelligent, orderly and sophisticated system with biological meaningful reactions that we have labelled dis-eases or illness. Every dis-ease process can be understood as a biological, spiritual meaningful event of nature with the goal of survival, resolution and awareness of a conflict, evolution and the self-healing of our organism.
- Synchronicity of body, mind, spirit, & environment
There is no separation between body, mind & spirit embedded in the environment. The process and development of a dis-ease process is synchronous at all levels (organ, brain, biofield, mind, etc.). Because all levels are synchronous and in phase with each other, we can use the data of one level to conclude the other levels. Every change at one level simultaneously affects and is visible on all other levels.
- Beginning of an illness
A dis-ease process originates from a Significant Emotional Event, which we experience as unexpected, dramatic and isolative, simultaneously at all levels of our organism. The way we unconsciously react and associate a conflict experience determines which dis-ease process (which organ and brain relay) is affected. The emotional intensity, conflict length and the tracks (anchors) determine conflict mass and therefore the process of the dis-ease.
- Dis-ease as a process
Every illness goes through two phases, the 1st conflict active phase and the ensuing 2nd phase. A complete progression from the beginning of a dis-ease through to the healing is described as a dis-ease process. The typical symptoms of an illness, such as muscle pain, headache, running nose, ulcer, cancer or leukaemia, are not the illnesses per se but a partial aspect of a comprehensive dis-ease program. The major points and phases of a dis-ease process can be found using the synchronous unity of body, mind, spirit, environment and specific questioning techniques.
- Brain: The over-determined relay system
The brain works as an over-determined relay system of all functions of our organism. Each organ with conflict content can be assigned based on the germ layers connection to a specific brain relay. The cerebral changes in a brain relay, during a dis-ease process, can be measured by using a brain CT or MRI.
- Germ Layers: Organisation of organs
Our organism and dis-eases are not organised by symptoms, rather by organs and germ layer. Based on embryology and ontogenesis we can assign all organs to one of the three germ layers (from which our complete body has developed as an embryo). Each organ reacts based on its germ layer connection and the two phases with these organ reactions: cell and tissue plus or minus, over activity or under activity, loss of function or increase in function.
- Microbes: Biological helpers
Microbes are not the primary originator of a dis-ease; rather they are biological, meaningful helpers and part of a complex dis-ease process. Viruses, bacteria, myco bacteria and fungi are organized by germ layer and brain relay and are active in the regeneration phase.
- Subjective perception: Our body as feedback
Our perception is a projection. Every person perceives the environment through the senses as a subjective reality. Our environment and our body are mirrors of our inner reality. Self-responsibility and actively changing our inner and outer reality are important aspects of any healing process.
- Self-healing: Vitality, & life energy
Our self-healing qualities can be influenced by eliminating factors aiding dis-ease and supporting factors aiding healing. A strong immune system, high life force and vitality are essential aspects of this healing process. Especially during the conflict phase and the regeneration phase additional energy and nutrients are needed. The biological, meaningful dis-ease process can be supported by therapeutic measures at all levels of our organism.
10. Spirit: Health through knowledge and awareness
Each dis-ease is a meaningful and intelligent process. Becoming aware of the conflict and the emotions and transforming them through forgiveness, letting go, love and consciousness are essential aspects of every healing, our personal growth and evolution. Life is evolution!
From a META-Medicine point of view, our body is giving us messages via its symptoms, it is telling us that there is something that is triggering our body-mind and causing it to respond in that particular way. We all already know that stress is involved in pathological conditions, and what we do is get extremely specific to what that stress is and how it affects us. META-Medicine gives us a map to understand why our physiology has created that dis-ease, to what our organism is specifically responding, what is triggering it. In this way, our physical body gives us the opportunity of a way-in to understand the pathology, it gives us precise clues on what is happing inside of us, what thoughts are going through our mind, what emotions we are processing. This leads us deeper and deeper to the discovery of behavioural and emotional patterns, systems of limiting beliefs that have created the dis-ease and keep us stuck in it.
META: beyond – MEDICINE: the art and science of creating health on all levels